About us
WHO? card technology Infordata Sistemi S.r.l. is based in Trieste. It provides products and services in the fields of card technology, automatic identification and automation systems for companies providing goods and services. In-house consultants and partner companies working at national and international levels help us provide consultancy and support to our customers. What distinguishes the know-how of the Infordata's team is their ability to find customized solutions for: WHEN? Since its foundation in 1980, Infordata has been a synonym for computer technology solutions. Following their team’s intuition and backed by their experience, in 1997 Infordata decided to focus on automation systems, plastic cards customization and access control systems. That undoubtedly marked a turning point, bringing the company to achieve important results through the optimization of human and economic resources in the search for cutting-edge solutions, which allowed them to offer top-quality products at a good price. WHY? A lot of companies have chosen Infordata’s products over the past thirty years, including the Italian Revenue Tax Office, Dolce&Gabbana, Illy, Insiel, Johnson&Johnson’s, the Ministry for the Environment and the UN WPF. Infordata made it possible for them to optimize by providing, if necessary, customized solutions, thus becoming increasingly competitive not only on the Italian market, but also on international ones. In quasi trent'anni di attività sono tante le realtà aziendali che sono servite dei prodotti studiati in casa Infordata, solo per citarne alcune: Agenzia delle Entrate, Dolce&Gabbana, Illy, Insiel, Johnson&Johnson, Ministero dell'Ambiente, La WFP delle Nazioni Unite. Fiducia che ha saputo ripagare ottimizzano i costi di aziende private e strutture pubbliche, creando all'occorrenza soluzioni su misura. Questo modo di fare ha permesso a Infordata di essere sempre competitiva non solo sul mercato italiano, ma anche quello dei paesi europei e mondiali. WHAT? Thanks to investments in research and technology, Infordata can always offer cutting-edge solutions to solve the problems confronting both private and public enterprises on a daily basis. Infordata has successfully dealt with this challenge, thus becoming one of the strongest and most trustworthy companies in this sector. Grazie agli investimenti fatti in ricerca e tecnologia, oggi il team Infordata Sistemi riesce a proporre soluzioni sempre all'avanguardia e in grado di risolvere in pieno le problematiche che aziende pubbliche e private si trovano a dover affrontare quotidianamente. Una vera sfida lanciata dal mercato a cui l'azienda ha saputo rispondere, portandosi in pochi anni tra le realtà più forti e solide che riescono a dare garanzie concrete. WHERE? Infordata Sistemi S.r.l.
Via dei Montecchi, 6 – 34137 Trieste – Italy